NPSN provides links to websites as a convenience to users of its website. By establishing a web link with any external organization, it should NOT be implied that such linkage constitutes endorsement or support by NPSN of any such entity. Additionally, NPSN cannot assume responsibility for material posted on other websites.
- Minnesota Health Professionals Services Program (HPSP)
- Marie's (NPSN founder) Story
- NCSBN Modules on Substance Use Disorders in Nurses (YouTube)
- Addiction: An Equal Opportunity Destroyer
- A presentation from Dr. Marc Meyer, a board certified family medicine and addiction medicine physician ready to assist you on your road to recovery
Promotional Materials about NPSN

NPSN Poster |

npsn_flyer_with_revised_info_2023.pdf |

NPSN Responsibility Statement |

Sometimes Nurses Need Help Too |

Research in Nursing Health - Deborah Matthias Anderson |

Substance Use Among Nurses and Nursing Students: Joint Position Statement |

Work Re-entry for RNs after Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Implications for the Nursing Profession |

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Options and Supports for Nurses Handout |
Minnesota Resources:
National Resources:
- Substance Use Disorder Resources on NCSBN Website
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA)
- Substance Abuse Support for Healthcare Students and Professionals
- Well-Being Initiative for Nurses
Professional organizations and substance use disorders recovery resources:
- International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA)
- The American Society of Addictions Nursing (ASAN)
- Nurses in Recovery
- Minnesota Recovery Connection
Treatment Locator Resources:
Wellness Resources:
- Nurse Mental Wellness Peer Support Meetings: Every Tuesday at 7 p.m. central time on zoom. Sponsored and conducted by Wisconsin Peer Alliance for Nurses (WisPAN). Contact WisPAN for the meeting link.
- American Nurse Foundation Well-being Initiative
- American Nurses Association
- Ten Percent Happier Coronavirus Sanity Guide
- In the Rooms Health and Wellness Blogs and Articles
- Nursing Resilience Course from Osmosis-U
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
- Give an Hour
- Emotional PPE Project
- Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes’ Foundation
- Self-Care for Healthcare Workers Sponsored by the Center for Patient Safety