How can I volunteer to support the Nurses Peer Support Network?
There are several opportunities to put your talents and skills to work for NPSN:
There are several opportunities to put your talents and skills to work for NPSN:
Committee Membership: NPSN relies on volunteers to staff and work on various committees:
Other Volunteer Opportunities:
Contact NPSN if you are interested in getting involved.
- Education Committee: The NPSN Education Committee consists of at least one board member and several volunteer nurses from the community. The committee meets once per month and the minutes of each meeting are recorded and saved. This committee develops print and web-based materials and a PowerPoint for use in presentations. The committee hosts at least one educational event per year. This committee oversees all presentation requests from nursing schools, nursing organizations, and healthcare systems and provides accurate information for use in these presentations. Research and publishing articles about NPSN are also tasks undertaken by this committee.
- Outreach Committee: The NPSN Outreach Committee consists of at least one board member and several volunteer nurses from the community. The committee meets once per month and the minutes of each meeting are recorded and saved. The Outreach Committee is charged with management of the NPSN speakers’ bureau, the organization’s social media accounts, and the NPSN website. With the Education Committee, the Outreach committee collaborates on finding and distributing appropriate literature for use in presentations and for inclusion on the NPSN website. The committee reaches out to build relationships with health care organizations, schools, and the public. The committee also hosts information and resource tables at events and publicizes events planned by the NPSN Education Committee.
Other Volunteer Opportunities:
- Be a conveners for the NPSN Peer Support Meetings: If you are a nurse in recovery and wish to provide support and service to other nurses in recovery, consider becoming a convener of one of NPSN’s many scheduled peer support meetings throughout the month. If you have two years of sobriety / abstinence (not necessarily consecutive), NPSN will provide orientation and support to learn this role. A Conveners Quarterly Meeting is held for conveners to support each other in this role.
- NPSN Board of Directors: Membership on the NPSN Board of Directors involves interviews with the NPSN Nominating Committee, consisting of current and past members of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors consists of up to 12 members. We seek individuals having experience or expertise in one or more of the following areas: nursing, nursing education, nursing anesthesia, substance use disorder, peer support, finance, law, or business. Board members serve three-year terms and may serve up to 2 consecutive terms.
- Assistance with social media and other online opportunities.
Contact NPSN if you are interested in getting involved.